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To help you understand and address e-commerce concerns, the C-Breez booking engine pushes data to Google Analytics. Track booking engine behaviour through to conversion. Learn where cart abandonment happens, which products are most popular, and which pages have the highest click-through rates for room upgrade promotions.

It is against Google's Terms & Conditions to store Personal Identifiable Information (PII) such as first name, last name, or email address. Therefore, C-Breez does not include PII in the data sent to Google Analytics.

Setting up Google Analytics

To get started with Google Analytics:

  1. Sign up for a Google Analytics account if you don't already have one.
  2. In the Google Analytics navigation menu, click settings Admin.
  3. In the Property area, click + Create Property.
  4. Under What would you like to track?, ensure that Website is selected. This is the default.
  5. Under Website Name, type the name of your website. This will be the name of the property.
  6. Under Website URL, use the drop down menu to select https://, and then type, where x is your Organisation Id.
  7. Under Industry Category, select Travel.
  8. Under Reporting Time Zone, select your country. Then, if your country has multiple time zones, select your time zone.
  9. Click Get Tracking ID.
  10. On the new screen that loads, take note of the Tracking ID. You will use the Tracking ID later to set up additional Google Analytics configurations.

Setting up Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking

To set up enhanced ecommerce tracking:

  1. In the Google Analytics navigation menu, click settings Admin.
  2. Ensure that the Property area displays the relevant property (created in the previous section).
  3. In the View area, click Ecommerce Settings.
  4. Under Enable Ecommerce, toggle the switch to On.
  5. Under the newly displayed Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting option, toggle the switch to On.
  6. For each of the following items, click Add Funnel Step, enter the step name, and then click Done:

The steps must be entered in this exact order to track the data accurately.

- Search Results Page
- Guests Step
- Flights Step
- Payment Options Step
- Summary Step
- T&Cs Step
- Payment Page
- Confirmation Page
  1. Click Save.

To confirm that you set up enhanced ecommerce successfully:

  1. In the Google Analytics navigation menu, click flag Conversions.
  2. Then click Ecommerce.
  3. If you do not see the following list, refresh the page. Google Analytics creates this content after you set up Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting:
    • Overview
    • Shopping Behavior
    • Checkout Behavior
    • Product Performance
    • Sales Performance
    • Product List Performance
    • Marketing
      • Internal Promotion
      • Order Coupon
      • Product Coupon
      • Affiliate Code

Integrating C-Breez with Google Analytics

To add a Google Analytics Tracking ID to C-Breez:

  1. Log into C-Breez.
  2. Click on Administration > Organization Details.
  3. In the Booking Engine section, enter your Google Analytics Tracking ID into the Google Analytics tracking code field, and then click Save.

Google Analytics is now integrated with the booking engine.

Integrating C-Breez with Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a user-friendly solution for managing your marketing tags, which are snippets of JavaScript that send information to third parties, on your website.

If you use Google Tag Manager, you can enter your Google Tag Manager container ID into C-Breez. Log into your account to obtain your Google Tag Manager ID, or speak to your web developers about setting up a new Google Tag Manager account.

Duplicate Data

Do not include page tracking if you are using the same Google Analytics property, as this will result in duplicated page views. We automatically send Page Views via standard Google Analytics.

To add a Google Tag Manager Container ID to C-Breez:

  1. Log into C-Breez.
  2. Click on Administration > Organization Details.
  3. In the Booking Engine section, enter your Google Tag Manager Container ID into the Google Tag Manager code field, and then click Save.

Google Tag Manager and Personal Identifiable Information

It is possible to set up third-party tags in Google Tag Manager (GTM). In some circumstances it may be desirable to push Personal Identifiable Information (PII) to a third party. It is the hotel's responsibility to make sure that GTM is set up correctly so that PII is sent directly to the third party and not stored in GTM or pushed to Google Analytics. If in doubt, please consult your technical department or web marketing team.

For visitors who consent to marketing, PII can be included in the data sent back to GTM. In the event that a visitor does not consent to marketing, PII information is removed from the data sent back.

Custom Dimensions from the Booking Engine

C-Breez provides custom dimensions from the booking engine that can be filtered in your Google Analytics reports.

To make the custom dimensions available in Google Analytics:

  1. In the Google Analytics navigation menu, click settings Admin.
  2. In the Property area, click Custom Definitions, and then click Custom Dimensions.
  3. For each of the following items, click the + New Custom Dimension button, enter the name as shown below, change the Scope drop down menu to Session, ensure the Active checkbox is checked, click Create, and then click Done:

Dimension Order

To track the correct data for each dimension, the order of the dimensions must remain as shown here. However, you can change the dimension names. For example, _Travel From Date_ could be called _Departure Date_, but this still needs to be the first item.

- Travel From Date
- Travel To Date
- Origin Airport
- Number of Nights
- Number of Adults
- Airline Name
- Number of Stops
- Cabin Type

Excluding URL Query Parameters from Reports

You may find that you are tracking the entire URL, including query parameters, in your page reports. If you do not want URL query parameters to be tracked, you can exclude them from Google Analytics.

To exclude URL query parameters:

  1. In the Google Analytics navigation menu, click settings Admin.
  2. In the View area, click View Settings.
  3. In the Exclude URL Query Parameters field, enter the following characters: /?*
  4. Click Save

Now all URL query parameters will be excluded from your Google Analytics reports.

Understanding Reports

Getting to the Reports

To view enhanced ecommerce reports:

  1. In the Google Analytics navigation menu, click flag Conversions.
  2. Then click Ecommerce.
  3. (Optional) Click Marketing to display additional reports.
  4. Click the desired report.

If you do not see the Ecommerce menu item, the Google Analytics navigation menu may be collapsed.

To expand the collapsed Google Analytics navigation menu:

  1. Click the arrowkeyboard_arrow_rightat the bottom of the collapsed navigation menu.
    You can now click flag Conversions.


The overview displays a summary of revenue, ecommerce conversion rate, transactions, average order value, marketing, and top sellers for your products.

Shopping Behavior

The Shopping Behavior report displays the number of sessions included at each step of the purchase funnel for the booking engine, how many sessions continued onto each of the next steps, and how many abandonments occurred at each step.

Checkout Behavior

The Checkout Behavior report displays how your users proceeded through each step of the checkout process, including guests, flights, payment options, and summary.

Product Performance

The Product Performance report displays how well your products have performed. You can see the revenue from individual product sales, unique purchases, and quantity.

Sales Performance

The Sales Performance report displays the individual sales the booking engine has generated. This can be funnelled by transaction id (the default) or by date. You can click into each individual sale to see which products were sold in that transaction.

Product List Performance

The Product List Performance report displays the number of times a product has been viewed on the Search Results page and on the Guest Details page. You can drill down on each page to see more data for the page, such as how many times an add on or room was shown to the user, as well as how many times a user clicked on a product, added to cart, and proceeded with checkout. You can also see how much revenue a product has generated based on if the product was included in a transaction.


The Marketing section includes multiple reports.

Internal Promotions displays your room upgrades on the Guest Details page. You can filter by creative name to reveal what the room was upgraded from and to. You can see how many times a promotional upgrade was displayed to a user, along with which room was clicked and the revenue generated from the upgrade.

Order Coupon displays the promo code that has been applied to a booking.

Product Coupon displays the special offer that has been included with a booking. We use the special offer for the rooms, Add-On for add ons, and Add-on – insurance for trip insurance.

Affiliate Code displays is whether or not the booking or transaction was generated by a travel agent.