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In C-Breez, you can create as many resorts as you wish. As soon as you create a new resort in C-Breez, it appears in the booking engine. The name, caption, and description are shown to the public. The resort details also include contact information, a time zone, website URL, and the location (longitude and latitude) of the resort. The longitude and latitude values should be provided in decimal degrees format, without any letters. (Example: Instead of 15°14' 4.416" N, 30° 40' 44.0394" W, please use 15.23456, -30.67890). Link to longitude/latitude converter website.

Top Tip

Date calculations relating to Rate Plans and Distribution Channels are based off of the resort's time zone.

The booking window and travel window is relative to the hotel's time zone. For example, if a booking is made in Australia on the 26th of October for a resort located in an earlier time zone where it is still the 25th of October, C-Breez uses the rates from the 25th of October.

To set up your resorts:

  1. Click on Resorts in the main menu. From here you can add new resorts, search for a resort, see a list of existing resorts, or edit the details of an existing resort.

  2. To add a new resort, click the + Create button, enter the relevant details, and click Save. If postcode is not a relevant detail, enter N/A because all fields are required.

  3. Click the resort's name or the pencil icon to open the resort's details page.

  4. In the Contacts section, click the pencil icon or the editable fields and enter the name, job title, phone number, email address, sales contact, reservation contact, technical email address, and reservation email address associated with the resort, and then click Save.

    • All confirmation emails are sent from the address specified in the Reservation Email field. If the Reservations Email field is blank, no confirmation emails will be sent.
    • The first email address entered in the Contact section is displayed in the confirmation email, in the ‘Need Help?’ section along with the Resort address and C-BREEZ customer service number.
  5. In the Room Types section, click the plus icon to add a room, and enter a name, caption, description, amenities, PMS short-code (used in your internal property management system), number of rooms of this type, a minimum and maximum occupancy and a Website URL for the room type. Additionally, you can also add an order number, which specifies the order in which to display the room category in the booking engine. If left unset, the room order will be displayed according to the order in which created. If multiple room categories contain the same room order number, room types will be ordered by room type cost. You can also enter the unique TripAdvisor Identification Number, Name and Description of the Room type, which will be used for the TripAdvisor Integration. Then click the checkmark to save your new room type. Your business TripAdvisor ID is shown in the right column (bottom part) on your Management Center’s main page.

    • Top Tip

      Note that the name, caption, description, and amenities are all made public via the booking engine.
    • After adding a room, click the plus icon under the Images heading for the room to add photographs of the room. For each image, include a main URL and a thumbnail URL, and then click the check mark.
    • Image Security

      Images must be hosted securely and accessed via SSL, usually indicated by the URL starting with https.
  6. In the Airports section, click the pencil icon or the editable field to identify which airports service this particular hotel. Click the drop down menu to select a destination airport, and then click Save to add the airport. You can repeat this process as many times as needed. When you select a hotel in the booking engine, the "flying to" area is pre-populated with the options you select here.

  7. In the Images section, click the plus icon to add a hotel logo or images of the hotel. For each image, include a main URL and a thumbnail URL, and then click the check mark.

    • Image Security

      Images must be hosted securely and accessed via SSL, usually indicated by the URL starting with https.
  8. In the Integrations section, add your integrations.

    • To add an IBS integration, which allows C-Breez to identify the resort in IBS, click the pencil icon or the editable field, enter your IBS short code, which will have been given to you from IBS, and then click the check mark.
    • To add an RDP integration, which is the prefix used when a reservation is made for this resort in the RDP property management system, click the pencil icon or the editable field, enter your RDP code, and then click the check mark.
    • To add a Shift4 payment processing gateway integration, click Obtain Access Token, input your authorisation token into the Auth Token field, and click Obtain. This enables C-Breez to charge credit card requests with Shift4.
    • To add a TripAdvisor Integration click the pencil icon or the editable field, click the Enabled checkbox, enter the unique Identification Number, Name and Description of the resort which will be displayed on the TripAdvisor webpage, and then click the checkmark to save the changes. Your business Tripadvisor ID is shown in the right column (bottom part) on your Management Center’s main page.