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In the Reservations section you can create a new reservation, view or download the reservations list, update reservation details, or download reports related to reservation payments.

New Reservation

To book a new reservation:

  1. Click on Reservations > New Reservation.

  2. Select a Tour Operator from the Operator drop down menu. This updates the Distribution Channel drop down menu to the channels the Tour Operator is running on.

  3. Select a Booking Date. Note that it is possible to make bookings retrospectively. For example, if reservations came through during the previous day, but that was a holiday and your offices were closed, you can make the bookings retrospectively. C-Breez honours the rates inside the Rate Plan as of the booking date.

    • Top Tip

      Don't cancel a rate plan if it expires. Otherwise, you can't retrospectively make a booking.
  4. Select a resort, room type, and the number of adults from the dropdowns provided. Up to 5 adults can be added to a booking. You can also add the number of children (up to 5) by opening the dropdown labeled Children and selecting the applicable age for each child included in the reservation. If you have a Rate Plan Type with Flights included then the changes made to the number of Guests (Adult and children) reflects on the price of the Flight Tickets. Finally, select the arrival and departure dates. The number of nights populates automatically. You can also type the number of nights, which adjusts the departure date accordingly.

  5. (Optional) Enter a promo code. See Special Offers for details on promo codes. You can also override the minimum stay by checking the Override Min Stay checkbox.

  6. In the Travel Agent section, if the reservation was booked by a travel agent, check the Booked by travel agent checkbox, and then enter the travel agent's name, agency, agency body ID, and contact information. Travel Agent details are sent to RDP.

  7. (Optional) If the preferred room type is unavailable, use the Availability section to select another room type.

    • In this section, C-Breez shows the availability of rooms within all resorts. This way, if the selected resort has no availability for the chosen room type, you're able to see the availability of other room types at the same resort, as well as availability of all room types at other resorts.
    • Caution

      It is possible to make a booking for a room category with no availability.
  8. In the Hotel Quote section, you can view rates for each room type, select a room type, and choose one or more Special Offers. The price at the top of the screen is updated when you select a room type or make changes within this section. The Discount, Upgrade From, and Total Cost amounts are also dynamically updated as you make changes within this section.

    • When a booking is in the Quote stage, you are able to edit the Special Offer selections prior to confirming the booking.
  9. In the Flights section, there is a list of departure airports as well as a list of arrival airports that service the selected resort. You can also set up transfers. Select the flights that you wish, which also updates the price. Alternatively, you can check the box to indicate that no flights are needed for this reservation. You're able to manually enter arrival or departure times if the client has booked a flight independently.

    • A transfer policy must exist before you can make a booking. Transfer policies are set up under Administration > Organization Details in the Airport Transfer section.
  10. (Optional) In the Add Ons section, select desired events or services by clicking on the name of the Add On. If the Price Model for the selected Add On is Per Room or Per Person, select the preferred quantity. If the Price Model is Age Groups, select the preferred quantity for each age group, as applicable.

  11. (Optional) In the Special Occasions section, click the plus icon, select a type of special occasion from the Type drop down menu, enter a date, package type, and notes. Repeat as needed for additional special occasions. Special Occasions details are sent to RDP.

  12. In the Payment Policy section, payment policies are automatically brought in from the Distribution Channel that you've selected. If more than one payment policy is available, use the drop down menu to select a payment policy.

  13. The cancellation policy is automatically brought in from the Distribution Channel that you've selected. No changes can be made to this section.

  14. In the Private notes and Notes for customer sections, you can enter notes related to the reservation. Private notes are never displayed outside of this screen. Notes to the customer are. All notes are sent to RDP.

  15. When your reservation details are complete, click Create. This creates a quote booking.

  16. Review your reservation details. Scroll down to the Guests section and enter details based on the type of booking. This is required before you can book or confirm your new quote.

    • For a Hotel Only booking, details for Guest 1 are required but optional for all other guests.
    • For a Hotel + Air booking, details for all guests must be entered.
  17. Book or confirm your quote.

    • To advance to the payment screen, click Book. Enter payment details, and then click Pay.
    • To manually confirm the booking but not be prompted for payment, click Confirm. Enter comments (required) and then click Confirm again.

The availability is updated.


Do not use Shift4 tokens to perform transactions in RDP until the day guests arrive. C-Breez tracks amounts to be charged at future dates based on C-Breez's transaction history and transaction status.

If payment for a booking is taken outside of C-Breez, such as through your PMS, the future transaction made by C-Breez may be high or unnecessary due to divergent balance due payments between the two systems.

However, it is fine to take payments for items not included in the booking, such as purchasing an add-on directly though the front desk.

Reservation List

The reservations list displays all reservations brought in so far, along with Cancelled and Quoted bookings. From here you can also view the existing reservation details, add a manual payment to a confirmed booking, or register new card details for an existing reservation. It is also possible to update other reservation details. For example, you can add, remove, or amend a reservation's add ons.

Search for a Reservation

To locate a specific reservation in the Reservation List, use one or more of the search fields displayed.

Reference Number: Enter the C-Breez ID, Tour Operator Booking ID, PMS Booking No, or IBS Booking No in this field.

Name: Enter the First or Last Name of any passenger in the booking.

Resort: Select a resort from the dropdown list.

Arrival Date: Specify a range of dates in which the arrival date occurs.

Click the Search button to display reservations that match the search criteria you entered. Click the Clear button to remove all entries and start a new search.

Click the box next to Advanced Search to perform an advanced search based on any of the following criteria:

  • Tour Operator - Select one or multiple Tour operators from a dropdown list to search only through the bookings made by them.
  • Status of the Booking - Select a booking status (Quote, Confirmed, Paid, Cancelled) to limit the search results only to bookings with the selected status.
  • Package Type - Select the available Package Types from a dropdown list (Hotel Only or Hotel + Flight) to limit the search results to that package only.
  • Departure Date - Set a date range to limit the search results to the bookings with the Departure date inside that range.
  • Booking Date - Set a date range to limit the search results to the bookings with the Booking date inside that range.
  • Received Date - Set a date range to limit the search results to the bookings that were received by C-BREEZ inside that range.
  • Confirmed Date - Set a date range to limit the search results to the bookings that were Confirmed inside that range.
  • Cancelled Date - Set a date range to limit the search results to the bookings that were Cancelled inside that range.

You can also set and combine a number of filters for your search like:

  • HBSI Only - Search results display only bookings made through IBS.
  • Direct Only - Search results display only bookings made directly through the Booking Engine.
  • Missing Flights - Search results display ‘Hotel Only’ package type bookings where the guests have not provided the Flight details.
  • Missing PMS Confirmation - Search results display only bookings that are missing the RDP Confirmation number.
  • Missing PMS Cancellation - Search results display only bookings that are missing the RDP Cancellation number.
  • Room Availability Inconsistence - Search results display only bookings where only one room of a certain Room type was available during the booking process, but somehow got booked through another channel before the booking process is finished (Overselling).
  • Missing Guest Info - Search results display only bookings that are missing the Guest’s first or last name.
  • Include Cancelled - Cancelled bookings are not shown in the search results by default. Check this box to display Cancelled bookings in the search results.
  • Unsuccessful Payments - Search results display only bookings that contain unsuccessful payments.

These filters can be very useful for troubleshooting your Bookings. For example, you can limit the search results to ‘Missing Flights’ or ‘Missing Guest Info’ so you can contact your guests on time and acquire the missing details, or use ‘Room Availability Inconsistence’ to quickly see all the ‘oversold’ bookings and take the necessary steps to fix it.

By default, cancelled bookings are NOT shown in the search results even if you enter valid booking info. To see cancelled bookings, you must either select the Include Cancelled box or select Cancelled in the Status list in the advanced search.

Click the Export button to download a .csv file of all reservations currently displayed on the screen that match your search criteria.

Booking Origin

To look up the Booking Origin (C-Breez, TripAdvisor, DerbySoft), simply click on the ID number of any Booking in the Reservation List to open the Booking Details, and the Booking Origin will be displayed under Details - Booking Type.

Updating Reservation Details

You can update many reservation details. For example, you can amend Special Offers, amend Add Ons, register new payment card details, add a manual payment to a confirmed booking, adjust a reservation's price, change the payment schedule, and amend the travel period or room category. You can also update a reservation's guest details, including title, name, date of birth, email, phone, mobile, gender, and address.

You can update reservation details in an existing reservation or when creating a quote.

The updates noted below, which enter through the Reservation List, can also be performed when working with a new booking that has entered the Quote stage.

To update a reservation's travel period or room category from the Reservation List:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reservation List.

  2. Open a reservation by clicking the reservation ID in the C-Breez ID column. You can also click the link icon to open the reservation in a new browser tab.

  3. In the Details section, click Edit.

  4. Update the arrival date, departure date, number of nights, or room type, and then click Save.

Add or Remove Special Offers

To add or remove Special Offers from a booking:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reservation List.

  2. Open a reservation by clicking the reservation ID in the C-Breez ID column. You can also click the link icon to open the reservation in a new browser tab.

  3. In the Rates / Special Offers section, click Manage Special Offers.

  4. Check or uncheck the appropriate boxes, and then click Save.

Add, Update, or Remove Add Ons

To add a new Add On:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reservation List.

  2. Open a reservation by clicking the reservation ID in the C-Breez ID column. You can also click the link icon to open the reservation in a new browser tab.

  3. In the Add Ons section, click the plus icon, select an Add On, choose a quantity, and then click the check mark.

To alter an existing Add On:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reservation List.

  2. Open a reservation by clicking the reservation ID in the C-Breez ID column. You can also click the link icon to open the reservation in a new browser tab.

  3. In the Add Ons section, click the pencil icon or the editable field, select the desired quantity, and then click the check mark.

To remove an Add On:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reservation List.

  2. Open a reservation by clicking the reservation ID in the C-Breez ID column. You can also click the link icon to open the reservation in a new browser tab.

  3. In the Add Ons section, click the pencil icon, and then click the dustbin icon.

Changing the Rate Plan Type

To change the rate plan type:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reservation List.

  2. Open a reservation by clicking the reservation ID in the C-Breez ID column. You can also click the link icon to open the reservation in a new browser tab.

  3. In the Rates / Special Offers section, click Change Rate Plan Type.

  4. Select the new rate plan type and click Save.

When you change rate plan types, the rates from the day you make the change will be applied. Please note that there may be new special offers available or other offers may have expired.

Changing the rate plan type only amends the rates for the room. This action will not automatically book flights if you switch from the Hotel Only to the Hotel & Air rate plan type. Flights will need to be added/amended manually.

Changing the Payment Schedule

To change the payment schedule:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reservation List.

  2. Open a reservation by clicking the reservation ID in the C-Breez ID column. You can also click the link icon to open the reservation in a new browser tab.

  3. In the Price Summary section, click Schedule New Payment.

  4. Select a payment date, enter a payment amount, and then click Add.

You can also click Remove to eliminate an existing installment from the payment schedule.

Registering New Card Details

To register new card details for an existing reservation:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reservation List.

  2. Open a reservation by clicking the reservation ID in the C-Breez ID column. You can also click the link icon to open the reservation in a new browser tab.

  3. In the Payment Items section, click Register new card details.

  4. Type the new card details, and then click Register.

Adding a Manual Payment to a Confirmed Booking

To add a manual payment to a confirmed booking:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reservation List.

  2. Open a reservation by clicking the reservation ID in the C-Breez ID column. You can also click the link icon to open the reservation in a new browser tab.

  3. In the Price Summary section, click Register manual payment.

  4. Type the amount and payment date, select a payment type from the drop down menu, enter any relevant notes, and then click Save.

Note: A quote must be converted to a confirmed booking before you can add a manual payment.

Adjusting a Reservation's Price

To adjust the price of a quote or booked reservation:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reservation List.

  2. Open a reservation by clicking the reservation ID in the C-Breez ID column. You can also click the link icon to open the reservation in a new browser tab.

  3. In the Rates / Special Offers section, click Adjust price.

  4. Select between a comp booking or another price adjustment.

    1. To create a comp booking, select Complimentary, and then enter an RDP Code.

    2. To enter a non-comp price adjustment, click Other, and then enter a new price.

  5. (Optional) Type a reason.

  6. Click Adjust. The price adjustment is reflected immediately.

Collecting an Outstanding Amount

When a booking has a payment schedule, C-Breez collects the installments automatically according to the schedule. If a payment fails, C-Breez continues to collect amounts according to the original schedule. However, at any time you can catch up by collecting the amount due.

To collect the amount currently due:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reservation List.

  2. Open a reservation by clicking the reservation ID in the C-Breez ID column. You can also click the link icon to open the reservation in a new browser tab.

  3. In the Payment Items section, click Collect outstanding amount.
    The amount currently due is collected.

If you click this button at the end of the payment schedule, C-Breez collects the total outstanding balance, including any installment amounts for which payments were declined.

Consider an illustration using this schedule on a $500 booking:

Installment Date Installment Amount Balance Due After Payment
3rd June $100 $400
3rd July $100 $300
3rd August $100 $200
3rd September $200 $0

This table shows a few possible scenarios. Assume that payments not listed under "Payment Fails" were collected successfully.

Payment Fails Click "Collect outstanding amount" C-Breez Collects
3rd July On 5th July $100
3rd June, 3rd July, 3rd August On 1st September $300
3rd July, 3rd August, 3rd September On 3rd September $400


Reservations Report

A transaction report details the payments taken on a given day. The downloaded report breaks the payments into different categories.

To download a transaction report:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reports.

  2. Type or select a date, and then click Download.

You can now reconcile this report against a Shift4 report.

Sample Report

We provide a sample report in .csv format. Download the sample report.

Add Ons Report

This report provides details about amenities added to upcoming bookings that fall within a specific date range. For example, a guest might add a special dinner on the beach or a horseback ride to their original booking. Amenity details included in the report are product category, purchase date, price, quantity, total, and description.

To download an add ons report:

  1. Click on Reservations > Reports.

  2. In the Add Ons Report section type or select a Purchase Day - From and Purchase Day - To date.

If you click Download without selecting a value for Add On or Resort, the report will include all Add Ons purchased for all Resorts within the selected time frame. To filter the report, choose an Add On and/or a Resort.

  1. Select a specific Add On from the dropdown list.

  2. Select a specific Resort from the dropdown list.

  3. Click Download and you will be prompted to save the generated report.

Sample Report

We provide a sample report in .csv format. Download the sample report.

Understanding Group Reservations

When a Tour Operator creates a group booking, the Tour Operator provides a reference number for the booking. C-Breez splits group bookings into single-room reservations that are sent to RDP. Because RDP requires each reservation to have a unique Tour Operator reference number, C-Breez assigns each single-room reservation a unique operator reference.

The first reservation has the original reference number.

  • For example, DIR-1390.

Subsequent reservations have a consecutive 2-digit number appended to the end.

  • For example, DIR-139001, DIR-139002, and DIR-139003.

If the Tour Operator makes the Group booking through IBS, C-Breez automatically allocates the consecutive 2-digit numbers.